메인 비주얼

메인/테블릿 비쥬얼 모바일 비쥬얼


We Promote the Betterment of Others and Achieve Eternal Harmony with One Another by Practicing the ‘Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence’

Daesoon Truth is a fresh, new approach to achieving eternal peace and harmony for humanity. To accomplish this aim, Daesoon Jinrihoe advocates the practices of the ‘Resolution of Grievances (Haewon)’ and the ‘Grateful Reciprocation of Favors (Boeun)’ to foster Mutual Beneficence (Sangsaeng) all throughout the world.

Through the practice of these two principles, we could resolve accumulated grievances and grudges, have our minds become pure and clean without any greed or selfishness; just like the affectionate mind of a mother interacting with her own child, and lastly, restore our innate true conscience.

We consistently put these religious concepts into practice through our Basic Works (Propagation, Edification, & Spiritual Cultivation) and Three Major Works (Social Welfare, Education, & Charity Aid).


The Supreme God’s Descent into the Human World

When facing despair and calamities, people naturally look to deities, buddhas, and bodhisattvas to find some sense of solace. Unbeknownst to humanity; however, deities, buddhas, and bodhisattvas have their own source of solace, and that is none other than the highest Celestial Worthy, the Supreme God of the Ninth Heaven, the one who presides with supreme authority over the cosmos. It was He whom they gathered and petitioned in humanity's darkest hour, and it was He who descended into the world to rectify disorder and reveal the path to an everlasting paradise. Brick by brick, this path is paved as we collectively resolve grievances and grudges, live in accordance with mutual beneficence, and serve one another in gratitude through Daesoon Jinri (Daesoon Truth) revealed by the Supreme God.


The Resolution of Grievance for Mutual Beneficence,

A Novel Approach to Secure Eternal Peace & Harmony for Humankind

The ‘Great Originator and Creator, the Lord God of the Ninth Heaven (Gucheon Daewon Johwa Jushin)’ who presides over the Three Realms (Heaven, Earth, and Humanity) with great authority, made a Great Itineration around the Realms and then came to reside in a Golden Icon of Maitreya Buddha in Geumsansa temple at Moak mountain in Jeonju, North Jeolla province, Korea.
After spiritually inhabiting that icon for 30 years, He finally descended into the human world as Kang Jeungsan and carried out the ‘Reordering Works of Heaven and Earth (Cheonji-gongsa).’ These Works were undertaken to rectify the disorder of the chaotic universe, realign Heaven and Earth into their proper order and open up the eternal Earthly Paradise of the Later World. This will ultimately lead to the universal salvation of divine beings and humanity. Previously, they were in a devastated state wherein divine beings and human beings found themselves unable to communicate with one another and divine beings could not even properly communicate among themselves. Consequently, humanity had fallen into all kinds of devastating calamities.


Cultivation is the devotional recitation of predesignated incantations consistently with a quiet and calm mind and body so as to give rise to a singular-focused mind. This is the basic means for attaining spiritual mastery. The mind should also be imbued with reverence and sincerity toward the endless worship of the Supreme God. By doing so, you can fill your Dantian with the energy you receive from divine beings and even the Supreme God. This gradual build-up of energy culminates in spiritual mastery which unfolds as a perfect integration with divine spirits.

Cultivation is divided into three parts: Holy Works, Ritual Prayer, and Spiritual Training. In addition to these forms of spiritual cultivation, Dao cohorts also attend Devotional Offering Ceremonies, key rituals which are held almost every month.
Today's Verse from Our Scripture
There are three mountains around Gobu County: Mount Bongrae, Mount Yeongju, also known as Shinseon(immortal) Peak, and Mount Bangjang. They are collectively known as the 'Three Sacred Mountains (Samshin-san).'
ACTS 1:2

Read The Jeon-gyeong